
Condominium living offers many benefits, such as shared amenities and maintenance services, but it also comes with responsibilities, including participating in condo board elections. These elections play a crucial role in shaping the direction and management of your condo community. In this article, we will explore the importance of condo board elections, the process involved, and tips for a successful election.

The Significance of Condo Board Elections

  • Democracy in Action: Condo board elections are the embodiment of democracy within your community. They allow condo owners to have a say in how the association is run and how their monthly assessments are spent.
  • Quality of Life: The decisions made by the condo board can significantly impact your quality of life. From maintenance and repair projects to budget allocations and rule changes, your elected board members are responsible for these critical choices.
  • Financial Responsibility: The board manages the condo association’s finances. An accountable board ensures your money is well spent and invested wisely, directly affecting the overall value of your property.

The Election Process

  • Nominations: Condo board elections begin with the nomination process. Typically, a notice will be sent out to all owners, inviting them to nominate themselves or others for board positions. Nominees should meet any eligibility criteria outlined in the condo association’s bylaws.
  • Candidate Statements: Candidates should provide a brief statement detailing their qualifications, goals, and vision for the community. These statements are often included in the election materials sent to all owners.
  • Voting: Condo owners can cast their votes through various methods, such as in-person meetings, mail-in ballots, or electronic voting platforms. It’s essential to check the specific voting rules outlined in your condo association’s governing documents.
  • Counting and Certification: The votes are counted, the winners are announced, and they become the new condo board members.

Tips for a Successful Condo Board Election

  • Transparency: Ensure that the election process is transparent. Share information about deadlines, candidates, and voting procedures well in advance.
  • Communication: Use multiple channels to communicate election-related information, including emails, mail, and bulletin boards, to reach all condo owners.
  • Encourage Participation: Stress the importance of participation and encourage condo owners to vote.  A higher voter turnout results in a more representative election.
  • Education: Provide resources or workshops to educate potential candidates about their roles and responsibilities as board members. Advantage Management has a library of articles to help educate all owners.

Roles of the Board

  • President: The role of the President is to oversee operations, including but not limited to conducting meetings, preparing agendas, overseeing rule and policy development, and working with committees.  The President is the official spokesperson for the Board and would work closely with the Property Manager to make sure the property’s agenda is moving forward.  As President, you would also be able to execute contracts on behalf of the Association. 
  • Secretary: The role of the Secretary is to preserve the Association’s history, maintaining its records while protecting it from liability.  The secretary has the duty to record the minutes of all the Board meetings.  Along with the other Board members, the Secretary should be versed in running a meeting according to Roberts Rules of Order.  This ensures there is a motion and a seconding of the motion to move something to a vote by the Board.
  • Treasurer: The role of the Treasurer is to make sure the financials are accurate and that the Association’s assets and liabilities are secure.  The Treasurer, along with all Board members, are provided with monthly financials from the management company, but the Treasurer should spend extra time reviewing them for accuracy.  In a lot of cases, the Treasurer will provide a report/summary of where the Association stands financially during a Board meeting. 


Condo board elections are a fundamental aspect of condominium living, allowing owners to actively participate in shaping their community. By understanding the significance of these elections, familiarizing yourself with the process, and following best practices, you can contribute to a more transparent, accountable, and thriving condo association. Ultimately, a well-run condo board benefits everyone, enhancing the overall quality of life and property values within the community.